Episode 117

Inside IBM Storage with Eric Herzog, CMO & VP WW Storage Channels


June 3rd, 2019

38 mins 34 secs

Season 2019

Your Host
Special Guest

About this Episode

This episode of the DataCentric Podcast has co-host Steve McDowell talking with Eric Herzog. Eric, a long-time veteran of the storage world, is the Chief Marketing Officer and VP WW Storage Channels for IBM Storage. In a wide-ranging conversation, Eric offers up IBM's vision of what's important in storage. Not to give away the game, but it's all about applications, workloads, and use-cases.

IBM Storage is laser focused on delivering storage technologies (hardware and software solutions) against four of the most impactful IT trends:

  1. Hybrid Multi-Cloud
  2. Storage for AI and Big Data
  3. Cyber Resiliancy
  4. Modern Data Protection

Beyond this, we talk about IBM's NVMe and NVMe-over-fabric story, and Eric tells us why IBM designs their own flash modules.

If you touch storage at all (and look at those four trends listed above -- you touch storage whether you think you do or not), then tune in and and hear what Eric has to say.

You can find Eric on twitter @zoginstor and linkedin at @erherzog

You can Steve McDowell on twitter at @srmcdowell, Matt Kimball at @MattKimball_MIS, and, of course, Moor Insights & Strategy at @MoorInsStrat.